興味のある方は、Oisin Bourkeにお問い合わせください aiki@daitoryu-muden.com
Facebookでフォローする: Daito Ryu Muden Ireland
Muden Juku International: Ireland Branch
The Ireland Branch of Muden Juku was established in 2014, when Oisin and Megumi Bourke moved to Ireland after training directly under Iida sensei in Japan for many years.
We are a small but growing group of practitioners and our numbers are gradually increasing as the level of our students develops and the quality of our training is recognised. We also operate a study group in Dublin (which runs directly under the supervision of Oisin Bourke sensei).
We have a mix of male and female members from a variety of backgrounds, some with extensive experience in martial arts and some who are newcomers but enjoy the practice. Our emphasis is on developing an ‘aiki body’ through kata geiko, the dedicated practice of forms as taught to us by Iida sensei. Members enjoy the good atmosphere of our practice along with the tangible benefits as they develop a healthy body and mind. They also enjoy learning about Japanese culture through our practice.
As part of our promotion efforts, we give demonstrations of our art every year at the Experience Japan festival held in Dublin. We also conduct occasional open seminars for interested people and run a summer Gasshuku (an intensive training camp) in Rural Ireland.
Oisin Sensei also oversees training branches in Europe
If interested, contact Oisin Bourke at aiki@daitoryu-muden.com
Follow on Facebook at: Daito Ryu Muden Ireland
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いい氣 いい出会い いい仲間づくり
Good energy Good enccounters Good relationships
塾長・最高師範 飯田 宏雄