これはいわゆる“セミナー”とは違い、もっとカジュアルにポルトガルへ行き、ポルトのメンバーの一般的なレベルを上げるための訪問で、彼らの技術向上とコミュニケーションを高めるために非常に良い方法だと思うので定期的に行うつもりです。 土曜日の朝にポルトに飛び、土曜日の夜にグループ稽古がありました。その後、日曜日には勉強会や支部長向けの集中練習を行い、月曜日の朝にポルトを発ちました。
また、同じ技を練習していても、ある人には簡単で、他の人には難しいので、できるだけ多くの人やいろいろな体型の人とトレーニングするのも有効だと思います。 これは、前向きな挑戦を通じてすべての人の改善につながる「切磋琢磨」という言葉に具現化されていると思いました。
ポルトガル支部長 セルジオ info@daitoryu-muden.pt。
Report on Training Class in Porto February 2024
The aims of this seminar were the following:
*To help the branch with details of more advanced techniques to work towards their Nidan grading.
*To check the development of newer members who were training in the regular classes
*To develop contact and development of study group members based in Libson
This was a ‘flying visit’ as opposed to a formal seminar. I am intending to do this type of visit more regularly as I think it’s a good consistent way to help raise the general level of Porto members. I flew to Porto on Saturday morning and we had a group class on Saturday evening. We then had intensive practice for study group and branch heads on Sunday. I left on Monday morning.
One of the issues I wanted to focus on was the threefold core of the basis of muden juku training. This three part structure is:
Muden no Kai (use of the hand)
Muden no soku (use of the breath)
Muden no heisoku (the correct stance)
For this training session, I concentrated on Muden no soku – the breath. We practiced the basic three techniques with a focus on breathing. The students were comfortable with this as the branch heads focus on these three basic techniques at every training class. As the members were comfortable with this type of training, we could focus on more detailed aspects including breathing and posture. This allowed students to realise that they could aspects of the techniques by using the basic practice as a foundation.
I also concentrated on one handed standing techniques, including katatate aiki sage and sukui nage. I concentrated on these techniques as I wanted members to begin developing a connected body when moving and also to emphasise the use of both hands at all times during the technique.
What was gratifying to me was that I could see the development in the students since the my previous visit. This showed me that they are correctly following training in the basics. Also, the members of the dojo seem to really enjoy the practice. There was a very good feeling in the dojo and more than one member reported to me that they had felt real physical and mental benefit since starting to regulary practice muden juku aiki techniques. This is what motivates them to continue practice. Finally, there is a healthy mix of men and women of all ages enjoyably training together. This is positive as many budo are struggling to interest younger people, but our training method seem to be appreciated by younger people and teenagers. It is also good to train with as many different people and body types as possible, as it can be easy to do a technique on some people, but difficult to do the same technique on others. This mix of training partner leads to improvement for everyone through positive challenges: embodied in the phrase ‘Sessa Takuma’.
Molotov Aiki- A Portuguese Specialty!
One interesting aspect of this was noted by our Portugal branch heads. One feature of aiki training is that it is often more challenging to do techniques on younger people and women. Conversely, younger people and women often find it easier to do aiki techniques. One reason is that when you do not use so much muscular strength, your body has the quality of ‘molotov’. A Molotov is a light Portuguese dessert. It’s delicious and it looks and feels solid when you take a spoonful, but when you try to eat it, it dissolves in your mouth like a cloud. This ‘molotov’ softness is a little like the ‘mochi’ cake in Japanese and this sort of softness is important to develop for aiki.
Finally, I am delighted to announce that Sergio Andrade and Maria Alexandra Martins have been authorised by Muden Juku Hombu to act as Branch heads (shibucho) for Iberia. This means they are responsible for supervising practice in Portugal and Spain, with Oisin Bourke sensei acting as technical advisor. Interested parties can contact Portugal/Spain Shibu at: info@daitoryu-muden.pt
Oisin Bourke
March, 2024
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